Friday 15 January 2021

A Cold start to January

Since my last blog on 8th January we have had a spell of dry but cold weather that has enabled me to walk almost every day and on the sunniest day I headed out to The Langholm Moor and the upper Tarras Valley. This Wild Feral Goat was very close to the road and happy to pose for me. 
One of the Gulls posing on the fence posts at the Kilngreen
The upper Tarras Valley
More Feral Goats
The Meeting of the Waters Ewes and Esk
Mr. Tootlepedal on one of his daily walks during this cold spell as he is unable to cycle at the moment except of course on his bicycle that goes nowhere in his garage.
The Langholm Monument on Whita Hill
The Meeting of the Waters on the coldest morning

The Ewes at the Kilngreen


1 comment:

Tootlepedal said...

Another excellent set of pictures. Impressive amount of ice in the river but a very unimpressive old fellow with one sock in and one sock out!

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