Monday, 2 September 2019

Campbell Farmers Market followed by a Pool Party

An early start for Campbell Farmers Market which is spectacular and very busy even at 9.00am in the morning.  It was warm even at that time and we had breakfast there. Gaye looking very fashionable. 
Plenty of fresh vegetables but they are not cheap, although that's probably just California for you.
Sunflowers were very popular and loads of people were buying them.
Loads of fruit and we bought Corn cobs for the BBQ
Elliot and Tommy bought these stone items but it was the popcorn that they really loved. 
Elliot was looking after Granny 
After the Market we spent a few hours at the new house doing some more sanding and then headed to Frasers friends Aurelian and Emma for the Pool Party and BBQ. Aurelian is French and Emma is from Edinburgh so it was a real Auld Alliance evening with wonderful hospitality
Elliot and his best friend Maxine 
Leslie enjoying a swim after a dusty morning at the new house
Thomas and Fraser. 
Fraser & Leslie have great friends and their life in California seems to be one of high quality 
Cooling off from 90F temperature 
Gaye with a large Gin & Tonic, or maybe flavoured water.
Cooling her feet in the pool. We ended the evening with a most enjoyable Islay Malt and the kids by now in their pyjamas ready to go straight to bed after a 5 minute car journey. A wonderful evening in smashing company. 


Sandy said...

They seem to have a fabulous lifestyle out there Gavin. The farmers market looks very colourful.

Tommy said...

I like the shot of Gaye cooling her heels.

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