Tuesday, 10 September 2019

A Great Morning Walk and a Freight Train

Another beautiful morning in Utah so I headed off with the intention of seeing the Sandhill Cranes and the old freight railway that runs in front of Carlo & Sidne's house in Mendon.  
This is the railway line which is in a poor state of repair and the huge freight trains that run along it have to go at about 10 miles an hour maximum to avoid damaging it further. There is one train a day and I never expected to see it but today was going to be my lucky day. 
The closest I could get to Sandhill Cranes was two fields away
The view ahead of me on my walk. This is really a very beautiful area. 
Looking westwards back at the house we are staying in shows how lovely a view it has in every direction. 
The view north and more mountains
More Sandhill Cranes flying overhead 
While I was in the marsh area I heard a train klaxon way in the distance so I headed to the level crossing to catch it. It took about 20 minutes to arrive as it was going so slowly. It passed me at a brisk waking pace and had about 40 units in tow. 

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