Wednesday, 22 January 2025

A Walk From Stow Railway Station

A lovely walk today from Stow railway station up the Gala Water valley. This was the view looking south from the highest point. When we left Langholm it was misty and 3C but a slow journey with 8 sets of roadwork traffic lights eventually got us to Stow Railway station to meet our friend John of the Edinburgh train. In Stow the mist had cleared and it was now -3C and the mist had frozen leaving everything white. A beautiful sky but taken looking into the sun so not a great photo.
One of the many country tracks as we contoured round the hill.
John and Tom as we are about to leave the road and climb the hill. Notice Tom's nice new hat from a friend who decided the Tea Cosy hat had served its time and a change was due. 
We gained height and then contoured round the hill. It was a beautiful morning and the railway and river were down below us in the valley.
This is the remains of a farm called Old Cragend.
A deeply rutted track and a lovely small wood of Pine trees ahead.
Now back down in the valley and after a short stretch on the A7 we crossed Gala Water and the railway line to follow the very quiet B road on the other side of the valley to head back to Stow station.
Over the new footbridge and under the railway bridge.
Heading back into Stow
The train from Tweedbank heading back to Edinburgh
The ruins of Old Craigend from the other side of the valley.
Looking across the valley and the first part of the route we had come.
It took us 2 hours to walk the 4 miles, but we were in no hurry and the conversation was excellent. We had hoped to have lunch at a Cafe in Stow, but it was closed as the heating had broken down so we headed back to Galashiels and had a nice lunch in a Cafe there. We dropped John at Gala Railway Station and Tom and I were back in Langholm by 3.00pm and john back in Edinburgh about the same time. A grand walk in good company and in cold but lovely weather.  


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