Monday 14 October 2024

Boy's Day out at Melrose

A few weeks ago John and I planned a day out at Melrose and a walk on the river Tweed. That day arrived and what a glorious day it was. Tom and I met Martin, John, and Ken at Tweedbank Station on the train from Edinburgh and we headed to Melrose to start our 4 miles walk.
This is just past the Greenyards Rugby ground the home of Melrose
 This is the Greenyards and in my opinion the most beautiful sighted rugby ground in the country. 
The main square in Melrose. It was a very busy day in the town with loads of visitors.
We soon headed up river and this is the footbridge we will cross at the end of our walk when we return down the other side of the river.

It was a perfect day. Cold at first and no wind but in the sun it became quite warm
There were a few fishermen about but none using the boats
The fastest flowing bit of the river

One of the fishermen just above the footbridge
Heading up river
The footbridge from the other bank near the end of our walk
Time for a rest and a posed photo. Tom, Gavin, Martin, Ken, and John. Good friends for many years and in the case of John and myself for 66 years when I moved to Langholm from Rowanburn and we ended up in the same class at school.
Tom and Ken bringing up the rear. Ken used to love bringing up the rear with Peter Bart-Smith who sadly died in April and they talked mostly politics so Tom is taking over Peter's roll.

These sheep were enjoying the shade
Ken and John, both retired pharmacists.
A lovely stretch of calm water
After the walk we visited a walled garden and orchard next to Melrose Abbey
Martin wanted to see the Apple trees
Still plenty of Apples on them. We enjoyed a lovely lunch after our walk and then took the Edinburgh contingent back to Tweedbank railway station for their 3.20pm train back home. A perfect day out in good company.


1 comment:

Tootlepedal said...

A great day for a walk in good company.

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