Monday 12 August 2024

Gaye's 80th Birthday Treat in Newcastle (4 days early)

Newcastle City Centre on Saturday morning near the Theatre Royal. Very few people about as there was a huge police presence due to the impending problems that have been occurring in cities over the last week. It was in actual fact not a problem thanks to the police. 
Near the front of the Theatre for Come From Away a musical about 9/11 and the 38 planes that diverted to Gander in Newfoundland as a result of the hijacking of planes that were flown into The World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. There were 7000 passengers to accommodate in a town with only 6000 population. The show was fantastic and full of humour as well as emotion. 
The Birthday girl waiting for the start of the show with Granddaughter Hannah
Grandson Leo looking after Granny prior to the show
Lunch in the Jesmond Dene House Hotel with Leo and Mario

Hannah with Granny Gaye waiting for lunch. Hannah heads off to Nijmegen University in The Netherlands as soon as she has got her required grades in her A Levels. The results are out on Thursday and they all head for a 2 weeks holiday in The Netherlands on Saturday. Hopefully Hannah will stay and they will all leave her there to start her studies in Biology.

Enjoying a seat in the grounds of the hotel

Granny Gaye with our grandchildren Hannah and Leo
The only way to dress in Newcastle for a Birthday Party
Gaye about to blow out her candles and then cut the Birthday Cake


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