Wednesday 19 April 2023

Demainholm Forest Walk

For todays Wednesday Walk with Tom and Niall we headed to Newcastleton for a walk through a Buccleuch Estates forest just south of the village. It's a 3.5 mile walk along first of all a forestry road and then along the fire breaks down to The Tinnis Burn and the old part of the forest. Tom was being very brave and decided to wear shorts, but there was a cold east wind blowing and he certainly felt it. 
Looking down onto the Tinnis Burn
It was a lovely walk but Niall was suffering from a sore neck and back which spoilt it a bit for him.
Lots of storm damage from Storm Arwen almost 17 months ago. Because many of the trees were not mature the cost of clearing them will not be reflected in the money the Estate will get for the timber so they may just be left, but time will tell.
A line of uprooted trees
Next to the Tinnis Burn is the deciduous part of the old forest and this is a lovely area to walk.
There were 2 Deer in this part of the forest but by the time I got my Phone Camera out and focussed they had gone. 

1 comment:

Tommy said...

Tom is very brave.

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