Monday 17 June 2013

A Trip to Lanercost Priory

For many years on our regular journeys to Newcastle along the A69 I have seen the signpost for Lanercost and said "We must go to the Priory sometime" so on Sunday we went there. It was a lovely day so a trip to the Priory followed by a walk round Talkin Tarn on the way back was the order of the day. The only negative to our visit was the price of a Tea, Coffee, and one small piece of chocolate brownie. I think £7.50 for this is a bit on the steep side. The Priory and the Parish Church were beautiful and well maintained and we really enjoyed the experience. A walk and a nice Ice Cream at Talkin Tarn completed the day and then when we got home I was pleased to discover the Tennis at Queens had been delayed by rain so I was able to watch Andy Murray win an excellent match. The charity match afterwards was very funny and all credit to Andy for organising it and raising so much money for a worthwhile cause.


Tommy said...

It's a lovely place. We played at a concert there not long ago.

Sandy said...

Believe it or not, Lanercost Priory was a very popular dance venue in the sixties.

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