Friday 21 June 2024

Two Eskdalemuir Walks in Two Days

On Wednesday Tom, Niall, and myself did a 4 mile circular walk at Castle O’er. We followed the forestry road and then returned along the very quiet B Road that is so potholed now that very few people use it. In the 2 miles we walked it there were no cars, which make it great for walkers.

The forestry road with the verges full of wild flowers. There are also loads of Raspberries so hopefully a good harvest of them in a few weeks time.

Across the valley the farmers were busy cutting silage and the countryside looked so green.

At Over Rigg there is a natural auditorium

It’s getting very overgrown with bracken these days.

On Thursday Mike Charlie and myself walked an almost 6 mile circular route round Clerk Hill and Wisp Hill

Early in the walk we were lucky to see this pair of Red Deer up on the hill.

When we walked this route in 2020 there was an active rifle shooting range here and on the ridge at the side of this hill was a reception building for the shooters. Due to planning issues and protests from Samye Ling residents the planners have made the shooters demolish the building and there is now no shooting there.

This house at Mid Raeburn looked as if it is still occupied but nobody there at the moment. The wind turbine in the garden was spinning furiously.

The wind turbine

Mike and Charlie walking up the hill from Raeburnfoot.

Crossing the bridge over the Esk back in Eskdalemuir. On both days we visited The Hub in the village for lunch on Wednesday and Coffee on Thursday. On both days the weather was perfect for walking.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Drumburgh Walk with Mike and Charlie

Our walk today started in Drumburgh on the Cumbria Solway coast. The first half of the walk followed the Hadrians Wall Path along the Vallum. It is about 6 weeks since Mike, Charlie, and I had walked together so it was nice to enjoy their good company again.

The path took us through several fields

The crops planted in late autumn for harvesting in early summer have been badly hit by the winter rains and there are lots of bare patches in the fields of Barley or it may be that this is seed planted again in the spring after the crop failed and it will be harvested much later. 

A nice path at the edge of the field. We passed several walkers doing the Hadrians Wall path from west to east.

The hedgerows were full of blossom and especially wild Rose which was prolific and spectacular. 

Mike and Charlie crossing a narrow bridge

Drumburgh Castle in the background and the start and finish of our walk.

This is a self service cafe called the La’ll Bite which has an honesty box. It was excellent with a variety of drinks we could make ourself and fruit and tray bakes. There were nice seats inside and outside and a toilet if we needed it. A most enjoyable 4.7 mile walk despite the two very heavy showers of rain.

Sunday 2 June 2024

Last of the Summer Wine Walkers at Cally Palace

Our Walking weekend at Cally Palace Hotel in Gatehouse of Fleet. We all arrived on Friday about lunch time and immediately set out to do a 4 mile walk in the grounds of Cally Estate, while 4 of the gang played a round of Golf. 
The photographer managed to get in this photo as Martin took the photo.
Gaye and Aileen at Threave Gardens on Saturday
Pre Dinner drinks on Friday evening in the Conservatory
Alix and Gaye walking round Threave Gardens
Castle Douglas in the distance on our Saturday morning walk
Tom, John, Niall, David, and Martin on our Saturday 4 mile walk 
There were 10 of us on our Saturday Threave Estate walk of 4 miles. That's the largest number of Last of the Summer Wine Walkers since we all met at Lochmaben pre covid when there were 12 of us and of course that included Peter Bart-Smith who is no longer with us and Elizabeth who was invited but just couldn't face it without Peter. The weekend was dedicated to Peter and he was constantly in our thoughts.

The Cally estate taken very early on a beautiful Sunday morning while on my morning walk
Alix and Gaye enjoying Coffee and Cake at Threave Gardens cafe
The Golfers on Friday afternoon. David and Alix beat Tom and John
The Cally Palace Golf Course. It was a splendid weekend with glorious weather and excellent company. The hotel staff were excellent and really looked after us and the food was superb. 


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