Gaye and I decided to head for Rowanburn for a walk along the old railway line to the Riddings Viaduct. The photograph above is all that is left of Canonbie Station. The photograph below is the very pleasant seat on what used to be the bridge over the railway line at Canonbie Station. The daffodils were planted in 2005 by Rowanburn and Canonbie schoolchildren when they planted 26,000 of them between the two villages.

The Riddings Viaduct which was not blown up when the railway closed as it is a Skew Viaduct and therefore quite rare and Listed. There is a fence at each end to stop people from going on to it but some kind person has made a space in the fence at the Scottish end to enable people like Gaye and I to Trespass on the Viaduct. I suppose while on the Scottish side you are not trespassing as long as you dont do any damage but at the English side you are definately trespassing and would be prosecuted. I of course was not keen to break the law but Gaye made me do it.

Looking north with Scotland on the left and England on the right.

Hanging on for dear life but determined to make it accross into England.