Tuesday 10 February 2015

A Walk at Blackberry Farm in Cupertino

Elliot is 12 weeks old today and celebrated by having a bath

After my morning walk to take Eleanor and Mallory to school we headed off to Blackberry Farm in Cupertino where we had a lovely walk with Tommy on his Balance Bike. In the background is an orchard of Orange trees.

Fraser having a rest. The Orange trees are now past their harvest for last year and are starting to come into blossom for this year.

Not a lot of Oranges left on these trees but there must have been a lot a while ago.

On the way hope we stopped at a Bagel Cafe and had various filled Bagels. I enjoyed my Blueberry Bagel but its not something I would get terribly excited about. Tommy loves a Bagel and soon finished his.
After all the weekend rain this flowering bush in Fraser's garden has suddenly flourished and there will soon be a profusion of flowers on it.

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