Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Heading East to Wilton Park Hawick

When planning a nice easy walk to suite Tom we originally thought Eskdalemuir from the Hub to Samye Ling and back but the weather forecast was terrible so we headed east to Hawick and a walk round Wilton Park. It stayed dry although it was very dull and when we got back to Langholm it was still raining so we made a good choice. The park has benefitted recently from a massive injection of money and it really is a nice place to spend an afternoon and have a walk. It will be much better when the new cafe is open.
The new bandstand is a great place to enjoy music during the summer months if the weather is decent
Wilton Museum and some great exhibitions on Hawick's two famous motor cyclists Guthrie and Hislop
The river Teviot with autumn colours beginning to show
The new bridge to the park with the Cafe still empty but hopefully will be open soon. 

1 comment:

Sandy said...

A nice place to visit Gavin.

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