Sunday 28 February 2016

Picnic at Montalvo Arts Centre and a Morning Walk With the Family

For lunch today Fraser and Leslie took us to Montalvo Arts Centre which is only a 10 minute drive from their house. It is a Theatre and Arts Centre with both indoor and outdoor theatres and extensive gardens and entry to it is free. We took a picnic and sat in the lovely gardens. February is a very quiet time of the year, although there are shows on in the indoor theatre several times a week all year and in the outdoor theatre during the spring and summer through to autumn.  
Elliot just loves being outdoors and is as good as gold most of the time.  
One of the many features in the garden
The middle gargoyle looks vaguely familiar. 
Elliot and his mum enjoying a seat in the cactus garden

The open air theatre is superb and the kids wanted to be the only ones in the seats. We could make the Buccleuch Centre open air and it would solve the excessive heat we have some evenings 
Last night Fraser and Leslie went out to a birthday party while Gaye and I looked after the kids. They were in bed and fast asleep before 8.00pm which is just as well as Gaye was in bed by 9.00pm and I fell asleep on the settee until 10.00pm when I just had to go to bed. We are just about over out jet lag now and maybe by Monday we will be completely in Pacific time.  
The family joined me on my morning walk this morning. I must admit it is much easier to get the incentive to go for a long walk in the morning when the temperature is in mid 60sF and the chance of rain is nil. 
We headed to Quito Park where the kids enjoyed the swings 
Elliot thinks this is great fun

1 comment:

Tommy said...

A good time was had by all!

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