Thursday 31 July 2014

Quintinshill Walk

As we are coming up to the date of the 100th Anniversary of the starting of the 1st World War we decided this week to walk the 6.5 mile trail at Gretna that takes in the Quintinshill Train Disaster from 1915 where hundreds of troops were killed when their train was hit by an express train in a siding near Gretna.
This is the siding where the accident happened when human error by 2 signalmen resulted in the crash. The troop train then caught fire and it was a result of the fire that caused so many deaths.

More information about the accident

The sign warns Peter and Tom

This is the main street in the village of Springfield. It used to be the main A74 road but is now a very quiet street.

The First House in Scotland and now a cafe. We stopped here for a snack but service was very slow. 

The bridge over the River Sark and it was at this point that Tom decided to explain his theory on the English West Bank problem. a very interesting theory but much better to speak to Tom about it than try to explain it on this blog.

Our walk finished at the Gretna Green Blacksmiths Wedding Centre where of course there was a wedding. I was about to ask them to pose for a better photo when both Bride & Groom lit up a cigarette and the magic effect was gone so I just left them to smoke in peace.

1 comment:

Tommy said...

I will certainly ask Tom when I have an hour or two to spare.

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