Wednesday 11 April 2012

Old Irving & Glencorf Burn Walk

Having seen in Tootlepedals Blog that there was a new road on the Old Irving Walk from Ker to Old Irving we decided to see what it was like for today's Wednesday Walk so John, Tom, and myself headed out despite the poor weather forecast.
Tom & John are photographed at the gate leading to the old drove road that crosses the mooor. It looks as if all this are will be planted with trees which is the reason they have improved the road. I must admit I prefered it as it was despite it being soft in places, but this may be an improvement for vehicles but not for walkers.

The only other walkers we met all day were these 3 on the Crab Apple Lane near Becks as they walked towards us with the smallest one setting the pace.

Loads of Tadpoles

The old drove road which is now a bit hard on the feet. By the time we were half way along this 2 mile stretch of road the weather had really taken a turn for the worse and we were soon drenched.

1 comment:

Tommy said...

It's a hard road for old feet.

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